As One Is

To Free the Mind from All Condition

Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Book Synopsis

"As One Is" by Jiddu Krishnamurti is a profound exploration of the human mind, consciousness, and the nature of self-awareness. This concise and powerful book examines the barriers that prevent us from truly understanding ourselves and others. In his signature style, Krishnamurti encourages readers to question their deeply ingrained beliefs and conditioning, challenging them to face their fears and illusions. With clarity and compassion, he guides readers towards a state of mind where there is no division, conflict, or judgment. Krishnamurti's teachings offer a transformative journey towards self-realization and the discovery of true freedom and inner peace. Through this inspiring and insightful work, readers are invited to embrace the present moment, observe their thoughts without judgment, and strive for a deep understanding of the eternal truth that lies within themselves.

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