
A History of the Boom and Bust, 1982-2004

Maggie Mahar

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Book Synopsis

"Bull!" by Maggie Mahar is a gripping exposé of the Wall Street culture and the dangers of financial speculation. Through meticulous research and insightful analysis, Mahar delves into the high-stakes world of investment banking and the myths surrounding it.

In this thought-provoking book, Mahar reveals how Wall Street's obsession with short-term gains and excessive risk-taking can create devastating consequences for the global economy. She tackles the prevailing belief that financial markets are efficient and self-regulating, debunking this myth with compelling evidence and real-life examples.

Drawing from historical events and interviews with industry experts, Mahar illustrates how Wall Street's greed and recklessness led to the financial collapse of 2008. Filled with eye-opening anecdotes and insider knowledge, she exposes the deceptive practices that contributed to this crisis and the subsequent bailout of major financial institutions.

"Bull!" also sheds light on the skewed incentives that drive Wall Street executives to take on excessive risks, while leaving the average investor vulnerable to manipulation. Mahar highlights the systemic flaws in the financial industry, such as the lack of transparency and the misguided belief that more leverage leads to higher profits.

With a careful blend of storytelling and rigorous analysis, Mahar offers a comprehensive critique of the financial system. She challenges the conventional wisdom that investment bankers are the masters of the universe and asserts that their actions can have far-reaching consequences for society as a whole.

In a time of ongoing financial turmoil and uncertainty, "Bull!" serves as a wake-up call to individuals and policymakers alike. Mahar calls for a reevaluation of the incentives and regulations that govern Wall Street, advocating for a more ethical and responsible approach to finance.

Through its lucid prose and well-documented research, "Bull!" takes readers on a journey into the heart of Wall Street, exposing the myths and realities of the financial world. This book is an essential read for anyone seeking to better understand the risks and pitfalls of an industry that holds immense power over our global economy.

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