Industrial-Strength Denial

Eight Stories of Corporations Defending the Indefensible, from the Slave Trade to Climate Change

Barbara Freese

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Book Synopsis

"Industrial-Strength Denial" by Barbara Freese exposes the tactics employed by powerful industries to deny and suppress scientific knowledge that threatens their profit-driven agendas. Through compelling stories and meticulous research, Freese unravels how corporations have manipulated scientific research, funded biased studies, and waged misinformation campaigns to sow doubt and confusion in the public's mind about key issues like climate change, tobacco hazards, and pollution.

With a critical eye, she dissects the strategies of denial used by industries across sectors, from Big Tobacco to Big Oil, to preserve their bottom line at the expense of public health, environmental degradation, and social justice. Freese uncovers the devastating consequences of accommodating industry interests over scientific truth, ranging from the loss of lives to irreparable damage to ecosystems.

"Industrial-Strength Denial" goes beyond exposing the tactics employed by these industries, it delves into the psychological factors that allow denial to persist and the ethical imperative for scientists, policymakers, and citizens to confront and counter these denial campaigns. It is a call to action, urging readers to recognize and resist the manipulation of truth for corporate gain.

Through clear and concise writing, Freese shines a light on the dangerous intersections of politics, economics, and science, making "Industrial-Strength Denial" an indispensable resource for those seeking to understand and address the forces working against scientific progress and public welfare. It offers a powerful indictment of the ways in which denial has been weaponized to protect corporate interests, and a hopeful reminder that through knowledge and collective action, we can reclaim the truth and create a more just and sustainable future.

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