Putin's Kleptocracy

Who Owns Russia?

Karen Dawisha

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Book Synopsis

"Putin's Kleptocracy" by Karen Dawisha is a meticulously researched and damning exposé of Vladimir Putin's rise to power and the pervasive corruption that has become the foundation of his regime.

Dawisha delves deep into Putin's background, tracing his early years in St. Petersburg and his ascent through the ranks of the KGB. She uncovers the pervasive network of cronies, oligarchs, and loyalists who have aided Putin in consolidating his power and amassing unfathomable wealth at the expense of the Russian people.

Drawing upon a wealth of insider interviews and leaked documents, Dawisha reveals a system built on rampant corruption, illicit financial schemes, and brazen acts of theft. She paints a vivid picture of a ruthless leader and his inner circle, willing to go to any lengths to maintain their grip on power.

With a keen eye for detail, Dawisha meticulously traces the flow of illicit funds through offshore accounts, shell companies, and shady deals, exposing the massive scale of corruption within Putin's inner circle. She outlines how this kleptocratic system has enabled the elite few to control key sectors of the Russian economy, perpetuating a system of crony capitalism and stifling any hope of a truly democratic society.

"Precise and concise, 'Putin's Kleptocracy' offers a chilling insight into the inner workings of the Putin regime. Dawisha's meticulous research sheds light on the pervasive corruption that has come to define Putin's rule, revealing the extent to which he and his cronies have enriched themselves at the expense of the Russian people. A must-read for anyone seeking to understand the dark underbelly of Putin's Russia."

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