She Said

Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement

Jodi Kantor & Megan Twohey

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Book Synopsis

She Said by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey is a powerful and gripping account of their investigative journalism that ultimately exposed the sexual misconduct of Harvey Weinstein.⁣

The book highlights the relentless pursuit to uncover the truth, as Kantor and Twohey interview numerous individuals who courageously share their experiences with Weinstein. Through careful research and extensive interviews, they shed light on the patterns of behavior, the complicity of those around him, and the systemic flaws that allowed him to operate with impunity.⁣

In She Said, Kantor and Twohey provide readers with an insider's perspective of their journalistic process, exposing the challenges and obstacles they faced while writing this groundbreaking story. They reveal the strategic maneuvers of Weinstein's legal team, the intimidation tactics used against them, and the bravery of the women who risked everything to come forward.⁣

This book not only exposes Weinstein's reign of terror but also serves as a testament to the power of investigative journalism and the #MeToo movement. She Said is a deeply compelling and important work that sheds light on the dark underbelly of Hollywood and the systemic misogyny that allows sexual predators to thrive. Through the inspiring stories of survivors and their determination for justice, Kantor and Twohey create a roadmap for change and a call to action for society as a whole.⁣

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