The Narrow Corridor

States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty

Daron Acemoglu

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Book Synopsis

"The Narrow Corridor" by Daron Acemoglu explores the delicate balance between state and society. Acemoglu, along with co-author James A. Robinson, investigates the conditions that foster inclusive and accountable political and economic systems.

This book delves into the idea that for a nation to thrive, it must navigate a narrow corridor between two dangerous edges: the shaky state that produces despotism, and the unchecked society that breeds anarchy. Acemoglu and Robinson argue that societies need to establish a strong and capable state while simultaneously maintaining an engaged and active citizenry.

Drawing on a comprehensive range of historical examples, from ancient Rome to contemporary China, the authors analyze the interactions of power, people, and institutions throughout time. By dissecting these political and economic transformations, they reveal the factors that enable societies to escape repression, whether in the form of failed states or autocratic regimes.

Acemoglu and Robinson challenge prevalent theories, presenting a nuanced understanding of how prosperity and freedom are achieved. They discuss the importance of inclusive institutions that provide enough leeway for individual freedom while ensuring collective order and accountability. The authors also emphasize the role of citizen movements that hold both the state and powerful elites accountable.

"The Narrow Corridor" is not only a profound examination of political and economic development but also acts as a timely study of the challenges faced by modern democracies. Acemoglu and Robinson underscore the importance of nurturing a robust state that actively responds to societal needs while also fostering citizen engagement and responsible governance.

Through their thought-provoking analysis, Acemoglu and Robinson offer a roadmap for societies to navigate the narrow corridor towards a fair and prosperous future. This book serves as a clarion call to individuals, policymakers, and scholars to champion inclusive institutions and actively participate in shaping the destiny of their nations.

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