The Piano Tuner

A Novel

Daniel Mason


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Book Synopsis

"The Piano Tuner" by Daniel Mason is a captivating historical novel set in the late 19th century. The story follows Edgar Drake, a skilled piano tuner living in London. One day, he receives a mysterious request from the British War Office to travel to Burma, then under British colonial rule, in order to tune a rare Erard grand piano belonging to an eccentric army surgeon, Surgeon-Major Anthony Carroll.

Eager to embark on this unusual assignment, Edgar sets out on a long and arduous journey, navigating through the lush jungles and hostile tribes of Burma. As he reaches his destination, he finds himself drawn into the intricate web of personal and political tensions that define this distant land.

In the midst of Burma's volatile political landscape, Edgar becomes entangled in the conflict between the British colonizers and the local Burmese uprising led by Khin Myo, a charismatic leader fighting for independence. As his initial mission gets perilously delayed, Edgar delves deeper into the exquisite beauty and haunting atrocities of a country on the brink of revolution.

Guided by his passion for music, Edgar forms unexpected relationships with the locals, including a talented young pianist named Khin Myo Thant, who challenges his preconceived notions and exposes him to the culture and traditions of Burma. Through their interactions, Edgar discovers the transformative power of music and the universal language it speaks.

Amidst the backdrop of a nation on the verge of transformation, Edgar struggles with his loyalty and identity as a British outsider while being captivated by the allure of Burma's people and their cause. "The Piano Tuner" is a compelling exploration of love, loss, and the power of art to bridge divides in the most uncertain times.

With its vivid descriptions of the lush landscape, meticulous attention to historical detail, and lyrically evocative writing, Daniel Mason's "The Piano Tuner" waltzes readers into a captivating journey that resonates long after the final chord has been struck.

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