The Power To Compete

An Economist and an Entrepreneur on Revitalizing Japan in the Global Economy

Ryiochi Mikitani & Hiroshi Mikitani

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Book Synopsis

"The Power to Compete" by Ryiochi Mikitani and Hiroshi Mikitani is a thought-provoking book that emphasizes the significance of technological innovation and entrepreneurial mindset. The book primarily focuses on the challenges faced by Japan in the global economy and proposes various strategies to regain its competitive edge.

The authors, both successful entrepreneurs themselves, shed light on Japan's stagnant economy and the need for radical changes to revive it. They argue that Japan's inward-looking culture and resistance to change have hindered its progress, leading to a decline in its international standing. To overcome this, the authors advocate for the embracing of technology and entrepreneurship as the key drivers of economic growth.

Through the examination of their own experiences, the Mikitanis present a compelling case for the importance of innovation and the role of disruptive technologies in revitalizing Japan's economy. They emphasize the urgency to foster an entrepreneurial culture that encourages risk-taking, promotes creative thinking, and embraces new ideas.

"The Power to Compete" also delves into Japan's education system, highlighting the need for a paradigm shift towards a more practical and skill-oriented approach. The authors propose reforms that would equip the younger generation with the necessary tools and mindset to thrive in the increasingly competitive global market.

Moreover, the book explores the potential of digitalization and globalization, urging Japan to capitalize on these trends to stimulate economic growth. It emphasizes the importance of leveraging digital platforms to connect with global audiences and tap into new markets.

In conclusion, "The Power to Compete" offers a comprehensive analysis of Japan's economic challenges and provides actionable solutions for its resurgence. This thought-provoking book appeals to policymakers, business leaders, and individuals interested in understanding how a nation can regain its competitive edge in an increasingly interconnected world.

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