Michael Pollan is a best-selling American author, journalist, and Professor at Harvard University.
Tim Urban: "To assess what really matters it always helps to zoom out, and Will MacAskill is probably the world’s best zoom-outer.
What We Owe The Future brilliantly shows us the biggest picture of all and persuasively reminds us of the vast impact we can all have."
Boyan Slat: "Will’s thinking (and that of the broader EA movement) has been very influential on me and his latest book did not disappoint.
Even though I was already familiar with the key ideas, the examples he used were still interesting to me."
Michael Pollan: "Don't miss this is provocative, important and highly original book."
Tyler Cowen: "An exciting new book."
Jay-Z: "This epic poem was kind of difficult for me to get through, but it has a beautiful rhythm.
I got lost in reading about Odysseus' struggle to get home and his longing for someone so strong, as his wife was, waiting for him. That's like a dream—that kind of strength, love, loyalty."
Michael Pollan: "... And not just because there are so many great barbecue scenes. (Henry Fielding called The Odyssey 'Homer’s wonderful book about eating', and wasn’t too far off.) But there’s lots to learn about story structure too, and why it’s often a good idea to begin in the middle."
Stewart Brand included 'The Odyssey' as one of the essential books to maintain, extend, and re-create what humans have achieved thus far.
Kevin Kelly: "James Fadiman was one of the original scientists testing LSD when it was still legal in the US and he has gathered a bookful of useful advice from his own research and in the collections of others."
Michael Pollan: "Actually has very good advice for people who want to guide, or are shopping for a guide."
Michael Pollan: "I’ve learned more from Berry than anyone else about how best to engage with nature, and how to write a sturdy and pleasing English sentence."
Joel Salatin: "Another classic by perhaps the strongest and most articulate voice in ecological agriculture."
Patrick O'Shaughnessy: "When I am feeling conventional (happens often), Emerson’s essay Self Reliance is my favorite antidote."
Michael Pollan: "Sentence by sentence, some of the most stimulating thoughts anywhere."
Michael Pollan: "A powerful piece of journalism disguised as a novel."
One of Richard Branson's top books to read in a lifetime.
Tim Ferriss: "A fantastic book, which is very well written. The introduction alone is worth the price of admission with the book."
Michael Pollan: "So that you understand what a good guide looks like."
Tim Ferriss: "I’m already on my second read. I’ve been waiting a year for it to be published!"
Michael Pollan: "This important book on psychedelic guiding by one of the luminaries in the field is now out on audio-- don't miss it"
Joe Rogan: "It’s fucking sensational"
Michael Pollan: "A fascinating investigation into the role of psychedelics in the birth of Christianity."
Michael Pollan: "Smart, clear-eyed new book about becoming a farmer by my former student"
Michael Pollan: "Fascinating book on tech's efforts to re-engineer our food"
Michael Pollan: "If you want to understand regenerative farming, learn about it from one of its pioneers"
Michael Pollan: "This book, by my friend Dan Saladino, sounds fascinating."
Michael Pollan: "Are plants conscious? Before you say no, read this fascinating new book by philosopher and scientist Paco Calvo."
Michael Pollan: "Nutritional psychiatrist is a thing and this is a terrific introduction"
Michael Pollan: "In retrospect, this beautifully written and hilarious narrative made me a journalist."
Michael Pollan: "A good book on MDMA therapy."
Michael Pollan: "As the soda wars heat up, this book is an indispensable resource"
Michael Pollan: "Little known, but the smartest book on drugs I know of."
Michael Pollan: "A crazy and brilliant survey of Western literature."
Michael Pollan: "Taught me how to look at a landscape and see not just nature but history as well."
Michael Pollan: "The most original observer of American politics in the second half of the 20th century."
Michael Pollan: "Highly recommended"
Michael Pollan: "A wonderful, smart and original book"
Michael Pollan: "This is a terrific book"
Michael Pollan: "The best introduction to the experience of what tripping is like"
Michael Pollan: "The most exciting book I've read recently"
Michael Pollan: "This book is full of cool science on these three highly compelling subjects"
Michael Pollan: "This is a very cool book about the intersections of food and history"
Michael Pollan: "This is a terrific and eye-opening book"
Michael Pollan: "This book on nutrition is full of solid information and abundant good sense."
Michael Pollan: "Check out this fascinating book on plant intelligence, by one of the pioneers in the field"
Michael Pollan: "Don't miss this fascinating book"
Michael Pollan: "The perfect book for this moment when we're all cooking like crazy."
Michael Pollan: "[One of the best] books on fungi"
Michael Pollan: "This is the best book on fungi since Paul Stamets’s Mycelium Running.
Check it out."
Michael Pollan: "A fascinating new book by psychologist and and psychedelic elder James Fadiman"
Michael Pollan: "I have next to know interest in tennis, but this book is fascinating and a gorgeous piece of writing"
Michael Pollan: "Bakers! This book is terrific!"
Michael Pollan: "Fascinating book"
Michael Pollan: "Important book"
Michael Pollan: "Kudos to (former student) Natalie Hodges' whose brilliant book on music, performance, and neuroscience, Uncommon Measure, has been long-listed for the National Book Award!"
Michael Pollan: "Fascinating and timely book for anyone seeking to change minds at scale, from David Fenton, who knows how it's done."