Michael Bloomberg is an American businessman, politician, philanthropist, and author. He is the majority owner and co-founder of Bloomberg L.P. He was the mayor of New York City from 2002 to 2013, and was a candidate for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president of the United States.
Tony Robbins: "I found it to be truly extraordinary."
Arianna Huffington: "Beautifully written and filled with such wisdom."
Reed Hastings: "Principles had a profound positive impact on my leadership style."
Naval Ravikant: "As with most non-fiction, the meat was in the beginning."
Brian Chesky: "Bob's book is great and he's an excellent CEO."
Alexis Ohanian: "One of the best leadership books I've read.
Michael Bloomberg: "Bob Iger's story is a testament to the idea that in America, if you work hard and pursue a dream, you really can achieve it."
Karlie Kloss: "I really admire Bob [Iger] and his opinions"
Tim Ferriss: "The negotiation stories with Steve Jobs alone make this book worth the read."
Jason Calacanis: "I like these stories of executives from the 80s and 90s before the internet, because you can really see how those media companies were built"
Bill Gates: "Unlike most books on leadership, this one is worth your time."
Vinod Khosla: "A dive into how the notion of "Safetyism" undermines the freedom of inquiry and speech that is indispensable to universities.
Too much political correctness?"
Michael Bloomberg: "Rising intolerance for opposing viewpoints is a challenge not only on college campuses but also in our national political discourse.
Michael Mauboussin: "[The Coddling of the American Mind] helped me think better in 2018."
David Friedberg: "The book I gave away in our gift bag at the All-In Summit this year"
Sam Altman: "Great book"
Arianna Huffington: "A must read!"
Bill Gurley: "Historically important book that will hopefully stand as a critical catalyst to change in our industry."
Michael Bloomberg: "An important new book about gender equality in Silicon Valley"
Aaron Levie mentioned 'Brotopia' on Twitter.
Michael Bloomberg: "If you’ve ever dreamed of changing careers or changing the world, read this book.”
Seth Godin: "Scott Harrison’s new book is called Thirst. It’s the autobiography of charity: water."
Arianna Huffington: “Scott Harrison's Thirst is a hope-filled book about finding your purpose in life and pursuing it against all odds.
Warren Buffett: "I’ve always had Paul Volcker up on a special place, special pedestal in terms of Federal Reserve chairmen over the years.
We’ve had a lot of very good Fed chairmen, but Paul Volcker, I had him at the top of the list”
Michael Bloomberg: "The book highlights Paul’s extraordinary career and personal integrity, as well as his belief in the need for better governance – and I couldn’t agree more."
Michael Bloomberg: "You don’t want to miss Ken Auletta’s new book 'Frenemies' – a provocative look at the ongoing shift in global advertising and what it means for the future of media"
Alexis Ohanian: "One of the best books I've read [in 2018]. Frenemies kept getting recommended to me by people I respected and it didn't disappoint."