Patrick Collison


Patrick Collison

Patrick Collison is an Irish billionaire entrepreneur. He is the co-founder and CEO of Stripe, which he started with his younger brother, John, in 2010.

If The Universe Is Teeming With Aliens...Where Is Everybody?

If The Universe Is Teeming With Aliens...Where Is Everybody?

Stephen Webb

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Elon Musk: "Great book. Read it when it came out."

Patrick Collison included this book on his list of recommended books.

The Art Of Doing Science And Engineering

The Art Of Doing Science And Engineering

Richard W. Hamming
Tuxedo Park

Tuxedo Park

Jennet Conant

Recommended By

Patrick Collison: "It's very good."

Tobi Lutke: "Really enjoyed it"

Age Of Ambition

Age Of Ambition

Evan Osnos
Something Incredibly Wonderful Happens

Something Incredibly Wonderful Happens

K.C. Cole
Mind-Body Problem

Mind-Body Problem

Rebecca Goldstein
Hard Landing

Hard Landing

Thomas Petzinger
Nixon Agonistes

Nixon Agonistes

Garry Wills


Seymour Papert
Out of Mao's Shadow

Out of Mao's Shadow

Philip Pan
Democracy In America

Democracy In America

Alexis De Tocqueville
Metamagical Themas

Metamagical Themas

Douglas Hofstadter
Dancing In The Glory Of Monsters

Dancing In The Glory Of Monsters

Jason K. Stearns
Anthropic Bias

Anthropic Bias

Nick Bostrom
Paradigms Of A.I. Programming

Paradigms Of A.I. Programming

Peter Norvig
The Infidel and the Professor

The Infidel and the Professor

Dennis Rasmussen

Recommended By

Patrick Collison: "Great book"



Brian Hayes
Zoning Rules!

Zoning Rules!

William A. Fischel


Jordan Mechner

Recommended By

Patrick Collison: "It's great"

Systems Medicine

Systems Medicine

Uri Alon

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Patrick Collison: "I learned a lot from this"

The Demon Under The Microscope

The Demon Under The Microscope

Thomas Hager
Poor Charlie's Almanack
7 Powers
The Rise And Fall Of American Growth
A Pattern Language
The Beginning Of Infinity
The Dream Machine
The Alchemy of Air
If The Universe Is Teeming With Aliens...Where Is Everybody?
The Art Of Doing Science And Engineering
Tuxedo Park
The Power Law
Age Of Ambition
Something Incredibly Wonderful Happens
Mind-Body Problem
Hard Landing
Nixon Agonistes
Out of Mao's Shadow
Democracy In America
Metamagical Themas
Dancing In The Glory Of Monsters
Anthropic Bias
Paradigms Of A.I. Programming
The Infidel and the Professor
Scientific Freedom
A Shot To Save The World
Zoning Rules!
Systems Medicine
The Demon Under The Microscope

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