Keith Rabois


Keith Rabois

Keith Rabois is an American technology executive and investor. He is widely known for his early-stage startup investments and his executive roles at PayPal, LinkedIn, Slide and Square. Rabois invested in Yelp and Xoom prior to each company's initial public offering and sits on both companies' boards of directors.



Yuval Noah Harari

Recommended By

Karlie Kloss: "It’s an amazing book on the beginning of humanity. It’s scientific but also philosophical."

Joe Rogan: "Great book... Fucking fascinating... Very enlightening."

Patrick O'Shaughnessy: "This book was so entertaining and useful.

It provides a concise history of humankind and outlines why we have the psychology we do today (this part is great for thinking about investor behavior)."

Changpeng Zhao: "[This book] gives me a greater perspective about how humans emerged and why we behave the way we do."

Daniel Ek: "One of the most-talked-about books of the last couple of years, and for good reason.

Both sobering and conservatively optimistic in equal measure, it seems even more relevant for us at the moment to learn from our socio-anthropological history."

Anthony Pompliano: "One of the best books I read in 2017"

Naval Ravikant: "An orthogonal and clinical examination of the human animal, from the beginning to now.

Humans are story-telling alpha predators that killed the competition and domesticated the survivors. This is our story, and it's not all pretty."

David Sacks: "Yuval Harari’s Sapiens had a big impact on how I approach VC. The theme of the book is that humans obsess over narratives.

So I try to focus on product and metrics as a way to get to ground truth, as opposed to over-indexing on the pitch, which is mostly a story-telling event."

Melinda Gates mentioned this book as one of her 11 favorite books.

Reid Hoffman: "Sapiens has had me thinking a lot about the evolution of humanity and what our future looks like."

Mark Zuckerberg: "I found the chapter on the evolution of the role of religion in human life most interesting and something I wanted to go deeper on."

Raoul Pal enjoyed reading 'Sapiens'.

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

Bill Gurley: "I really enjoyed [Sapiens]"

Bill Gates: "Melinda and I spent weeks talking about this history of the human race."

The Hard Thing About Hard Things

The Hard Thing About Hard Things

Ben Horowitz

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The Art Of Doing Science And Engineering

The Art Of Doing Science And Engineering

Richard W. Hamming
Swimming Across

Swimming Across

Andy Grove

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Ben Horowitz: "A great book"

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.



Ken Auletta
The Intel Trinity

The Intel Trinity

Michael Malone

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One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

On Intelligence

On Intelligence

Jeff Hawkins

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One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

The Search

The Search

John Battelle

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

How Google Works

How Google Works

Eric Schmidt

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One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

Amusing Ourselves to Death

Amusing Ourselves to Death

Neil Postman

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One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

Naked Statistics

Naked Statistics

Charles Wheelan

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One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

Insanely Simple

Insanely Simple

Ken Segall

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

The City In History

The City In History

Lewis Mumford

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

Revolution in The Valley

Revolution in The Valley

Andy Hertzfeld

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

Cultural Strategy

Cultural Strategy

Douglas Holt

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

The Innovator’s Solution

The Innovator’s Solution

Clayton Christensen

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

In the Company of Giants

In the Company of Giants

Rama Dev Jager

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

Return to the Little Kingdom

Return to the Little Kingdom

Michael Moritz

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

Architects of the Web

Architects of the Web

Robert Reid

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

Drawing Life

Drawing Life

David Gelernter

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

The Curse of the Mogul

The Curse of the Mogul

Jonathan Knee

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

Steve Jobs & The NeXT Big Thing

Steve Jobs & The NeXT Big Thing

Randall Stross
Go To

Go To

Steve Lohr

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

The Method Method

The Method Method

Eric Ryan

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.



Kevin Maney

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One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

Viral Loop

Viral Loop

Adam Penenberg

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One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

The 80/20 Principle

The 80/20 Principle

Richard Koch

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One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

Andy Grove

Andy Grove

Richard Tedlow

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

World War 3.0

World War 3.0

Ken Auletta

Recommended By

One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.

Radical Uncertainty

Radical Uncertainty

John Kay

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Notes From an Apocalypse

Notes From an Apocalypse

Mark O'Connell

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Rowan Hooper

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Keith Rabois: "Book of 2018"



Richard Nixon

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Keith Rabois: "An outstanding book"

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Bill Pennington
Red Star Over The Pacific

Red Star Over The Pacific

Toshi Yoshihara
Margaret Thatcher: Herself Alone

Margaret Thatcher: Herself Alone

Charles Moore
Zero to One
The Hard Thing About Hard Things
High Output Management
Skin In The Game
7 Powers
Becoming Steve Jobs
The Checklist Manifesto
Red Notice
Behind the Cloud
The Score Takes Care of Itself
The Seventh Sense
The New New Thing
The Upside of Stress
The Success Equation
The Book of Why
Life 3.0
The Model Thinker
Think Like a Rocket Scientist
The Art Of Doing Science And Engineering
Swimming Across
Hackers & Painters
The Intel Trinity
On Intelligence
The Search
How Google Works
Amusing Ourselves to Death
Naked Statistics
Insanely Simple
The City In History
Revolution in The Valley
Cultural Strategy
The Innovator’s Solution
In the Company of Giants
Return to the Little Kingdom
Architects of the Web
Drawing Life
The Curse of the Mogul
Steve Jobs & The NeXT Big Thing
Go To
The Method Method
Viral Loop
The 80/20 Principle
Andy Grove
World War 3.0
Radical Uncertainty
Notes From an Apocalypse
The Price We Pay
Billy Martin
The Vision of the Annointed
Red Star Over The Pacific
Margaret Thatcher: Herself Alone

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